Watch Your Life Bloom

Welcome to the Official Blog of Author Dr. Lily L. Ratliff Jenkins, of the inspirational Memoir, The Life of a Lily: Growing in His Strength, Blooming in His Love, and many other writings.

Thanks for coming by to sit awhile and reflecting along with me on everything biblical. On this blog, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings about the various topics I present. They all do come from the heart and are meant for us to ponder, be enlightened, laugh, cry, and ultimately give God all of the praise.

You will hopefully find resources on everything from writing tips to creating your own memoir, how to journal, becoming better Christians and how to walk in your callings, destinies, and witty inventions that we have deep inside of us but sometimes don't quite know how to tap into and walk in. But GOD! It is in his wisdom along with an open mind that we will get through this together. Amen! So I welcome you my brothers and sisters!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Skin You're In

I'm just going to be real with you all if you don't mind today. Many people look at Christians, especially ones that really don't know the Lord, but only have you to look at as an example, and think we always have it all together. True, we are one with Christ, yes we have everything we need in Christ-just by asking, and yes, if we are truly abiding in Christ, and He abides in us, we can ask Him anything, believing, and we shall have it.

But how many of you sometimes look in the mirror in the morning, and look at yourself, and feel that there's something about you that you wish you could change? Come on now Saints, don't be pious, because I for one, have a time or two looked at my face and wished that there was some grand cream, or acne medication out there that would be the answer to all of my facial problems.

See as a young girl, even until now, I've had an acne problem. It would come and go and on the days when I had an important photo shoot or a presentation where I would be in front of lots of people, would be the day I would get a blemish in the middle of my face. I have tried everything and to no avail, nothing worked.

But then one day I woke up, went into the bathroom, looked at myself, and it seemed God himself showed me a little more than my facial blemishes. My God, He showed me just how important I am to Him and the Kingdom of God. None of the things that matter most to us matter to Him. You know why? Because man may look at the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart (see I Samuel 16:7).

Also remember it's not about us, it's about giving God the glory in everything we say and do with our lives. When we freely accept who we are in Christ and give our lives totally over to Him, will He then equip us to do the work of the Kingdom. He wants to see what we will do with the little He gives us, to then give us much-blessings, prosperity, abundance to the full! Hallelujah!

So now when I look in the mirror, I don't see myself, as just a fleshly, physical body. I see myself as Jesus sees me.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as my chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrated you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5 AMP).

Love the Skin You're In my Brothers and Sisters! He Loves You and I Do Too!

Be encouraged with this video: "So Happy Being Me"-Angie Stone from the Donald Lawrence CD-The Law of Confession, Part 1.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best storys you have done. This is so true. We worry about what the world thinks of us instead of what
    God thinks of us. I am sometimes guitly of this. When I start feeling like that God sends me a reminder like He just did today with what you wrote. It is really hard livivng by the word of God. God's word does not fit what the world thinks or says. But in the end it is the world that has to bow down to God. Following God does put you on a lonely path, but when you need a person the most God will sent who and what you need when you need it. We have to trust God for everything. People will fail you. trust me I know just how much people will fail you, but God has never failed me. God's word is powerful. God's word is true. Read God's word. Rest in God's word because it will comfort you when no human can.



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