Watch Your Life Bloom

Welcome to the Official Blog of Author Dr. Lily L. Ratliff Jenkins, of the inspirational Memoir, The Life of a Lily: Growing in His Strength, Blooming in His Love, and many other writings.

Thanks for coming by to sit awhile and reflecting along with me on everything biblical. On this blog, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings about the various topics I present. They all do come from the heart and are meant for us to ponder, be enlightened, laugh, cry, and ultimately give God all of the praise.

You will hopefully find resources on everything from writing tips to creating your own memoir, how to journal, becoming better Christians and how to walk in your callings, destinies, and witty inventions that we have deep inside of us but sometimes don't quite know how to tap into and walk in. But GOD! It is in his wisdom along with an open mind that we will get through this together. Amen! So I welcome you my brothers and sisters!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I am a Prayer Away

Do not be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7) (NIV)

I know how hard it can truly be to want something so badly. I even know how difficult it can be to have to wait on it. There’s been countless of times in my life, when I had a great plan to do something in business, and put a date to my plan, all to see the date come and go and still not fulfill the plan that I had.

God loves to see that we have desires to succeed. As a matter of fact, He placed it there. When He created man, He blessed him and said to subdue and have dominion in the earth (Genesis 1:28). So He already placed in our DNA the drive to use all of the vast resources that the earth has to give glory to God and to serve Him and man. Many decide to use them in other ways that lead to deceit and greed. Theirs is their just reward. Others who use it to please their heavenly Father, prospers in all that they do. He uses the creative devices He’s given us to create wealth.

However, when a downturn in your business occurs or when you’re seeking God for a major breakthrough in your life, He wants us to not only put the situation in His hands, but also to leave it there. Now that’s not to say He doesn’t want you to continue to ask, and be persistent in your prayers. In the amplified version of verse 6 above, it says that “in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God (italics mine). So even when plans fail or are delayed, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s denial. He wants you to keep asking, all the while thanking Him in advance for the promise.

Many times during our prayers, we get impatient with God. We say prayers that are half-hearted or in a rush without waiting around to see what He has to say about it. As we know, God answers prayer in three different ways: Yes, No, or Wait. But we would never fully know that unless we stop to listen for His voice. God is not the author of confusion, and if you ever feel that you are going back and forth on a major decision in life, you may need to think twice before moving on it. Go back to God, make your requests known, continually ask for what you need, and allow God to answer.

What He wants each of us to understand during times of trial and tests is that He is just a prayer away. We are not in this life alone. We have a Father who loves us and wants nothing but the best for us. He has said in His word that no good thing will He withhold from us (Psalms 84:11b). We’ve got to hang on to that and trust that with the peace of God, we can handle any of life’s circumstances.

Selah—(Think on These Things)

~Can you honestly say you have full trust in God for all areas of your life? If not, what is causing the doubt?
~Have you asked God for help in your time of need, only to find yourself picking the situation back up again? Reflecting, how could you handle it next time when praying to your heavenly Father?


Lord, in my time of need, I have forgotten about the risen Savior who died for me, so that I might have life, and have it more abundantly. I also forgot that because of what He did for me, I can now come boldly before your throne of grace to obtain help in my time of need. Forgive me God. Help me to cast all of my care on you, for you care for me. Give me peace amidst my storm and allow me to see over the clouds of pain and despair. As a little child, I call upon you! And with you, I have all of the help I need. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved (From the Upcoming Book, "There's Hope for the Weary: God's Promises for Life's Greatest Storms''-By Lily L. Ratliff-Jenkins).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Purpose to Fulfill

Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant (Jeremiah 1:8-10).

What has God told you lately? What has He reassured you of time and time again, but you have dismissed it as if it was never said? From the foundation of the world, God had you in mind. In your mother’s womb, He implanted in you purpose and destiny. He gave you something He did not give anyone else. Only you were made to fulfill the role that He created you to fill. Only you have been assigned to certain individuals or events to bring about change for them. You have a purpose to fulfill.

When the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, Jeremiah thought that God couldn’t possibly be calling him to do a major assignment because he was but a young boy. However, God was not concerned about the statue of Jeremiah or even his age. What was most important was that he could be used and that Jeremiah was teachable. God told him to be not afraid but to stand firm and proclaim His word. Many of us will listen to people all the time to the point of negating the potential we have inside of us, for fear that we couldn’t possibly measure up. But it’s not about what we can do. If it’s up to us, we could never measure up. But greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world! (1 John 4:4). We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us! (Phil. 4:13).

You have something in your mouth to say that will change people’s lives. God allows experiences to happen to us so that we can use those to be a testament for others. Your story could be the vehicle to getting someone saved. God wants each of us to be ready to say whatever He commands us to say. Will you allow him to use you for the Kingdom?

Many times in our lives, seasons come and go to test our faith. Within seconds, our once happy, productive day can be changed by unexpected distractions, causing us many times to forget what the Lord had just told us about His promises. The circumstance seems to outweigh the faith that we said we had. It’s during these moments when we need to remember who we are in Christ Jesus and start to take the word of God seriously for what it is: LIFE! If God said He has made us joint-heirs with Christ, and that our inheritance is wrapped up in Him, then we are to overthrow all manner of evil, destroying all imaginations attempted to kill our witness and use our voices to build us up and ultimately the saints of God and our families. We are Ambassadors of Christ! (2Cr 5:20) So start today by truly reflecting on where you are in your faith walk, and declare that from this day forward, you will use your mouth and your thought life to confess who God has already created you to be, a person of purpose to fulfill.

Selah—(Think on These Things)

* Has fear stopped or delayed you from going after God’s call for your life?
* What limiting beliefs have you bound from taking the next step?
* Ask God to reveal those fears to you, seek forgiveness, and commit to making change in that area.


Lord, I thank you that even before my being in my mother’s womb, you had me in mind. You crafted me and made me to be a force in this world. I appreciate my uniqueness and all that makes me who I am. There are times when I may forget who you created me to be, resulting in doubt and fear. Forgive me, oh Lord. As I connect with you through prayer and your Holy Word, I will be so careful not to forget what you have promised for my life and will walk in your commandments, making it an example for my life for all to see. I declare that I have purpose and that purpose is alive on the inside of me! In Jesus Name, Amen!

Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved (From the Upcoming Book, "There's Hope for the Weary: God's Promises for Life's Greatest Storms''-By Lily L. Ratliff-Jenkins).

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You are Healed!

SN: Make sure you continue to do the things that will help you to continue to be healthy (exercise, eat healthy, and take care of your body---for it's the temple of God)---Be HEALED today!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Grace is Enough

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power (strength) is made perfect in weakness. (II Corinthians 12:9)

“Your grace is enough….Your grace is enough….Your grace is enough for me!”

These are the words we frequently love to sing as we all choral together with fellow believers in Christ each week at our churches. But while we are lifting up Holy hands and singing praises to our God, how many of us truly know the level of grace we actually have with knowing our heavenly Father, especially in times of trouble?

Grace is the favor and loving-kindness that our Father shows to His own, not from our own merit, but because we have been redeemed through Christ Jesus. Because of His love for us, He continually gives this grace, not only when we sin and approach Him in forgiveness, but when we need His protection, provision, and healing power.

How many times have you been within seconds of a major life-altering dilemma that could have truly taken you out, but because of God’s grace, you lived to tell about it? An auto collision happens before your very eyes that could have been you…in the knick of time, money comes in the mail that can now be used to keep your car from being repossessed …doctors who once told you that the tumors you have in your body could not be healed, have now looked and can’t find anything moments before they draw the first incision. God’s grace is enough! Not only is it enough, but it is sufficient during any major storm in your life. You don’t need anything else but God’s grace because that’s the only thing that will stand strong in your time of need.

During times like these, you may feel like you can’t go on. You have more bills than money, and it seems that once you get out of one situation, you wind up in another, leaving you shaking your head in despair. But it’s during these trying moments that the power of God is at its best. Hallelujah! God’s mighty hand picks you up and makes you strong when you should have lost your mind. You see, when you put your trust in Him, and cast your care upon Him (1 Peter 5:7), he will make the situations and people around you who meant to do you harm of no effect!

I have a friend of mine that months ago lost her job and ultimately lost her home, all with a husband who was disabled and two kids to have to feed and clothe. No one seemed to show her remorse. For three months, her and her family went from hotel to hotel, all with just the little money her husband received every month for his disability. But she believed that the grace of God would sustain her. After seeking God about her matter, one day she ran into a friend who was truly sent just for her situation. This person knew somebody who in turn also knew somebody that was a mortgage attorney. All in all, she was able to not only get her home back, but eliminate all of the back payments she would have had to pay, lowered her monthly payments and interest rate, and have a little extra money to put aside for her next holiday for the kids. God knows how to turn any situation around if you would only trust that during your time of weakness, God will strengthen you in the battle!

Selah—(Think on These Things)
• When have you been in a situation where you felt all hope was lost? How did you react to it? In fear? Doubt? Anger? Worry?
• As you look back, what could you do differently now to show God your level of faith in Him?


Heavenly Father, we thank you that when we are at our lowest, your grace supports us and keeps us from utter destruction. We know that as we call on you, you will answer, and show forth your mighty hand to protect and shield us from all harm. We never have to fear the unknown because your grace is sufficient of the day. We can rest assure of your presence and peace upon our lives. Every battle is won and the victory is already ours! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Copyright 2011: All Rights Reserved. (From the upcoming book, 'There's Hope for the Weary: God's Promises for Life's Greatest Storms'-By Lily L. Ratliff-Jenkins).

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Birthday Confession

Ps. 118:24 - This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.-(NIV)

Every age has its own glory, beauty, and wisdom. (Dennis Kimbro)

WOW! Another birthday has arrived and as I sit and reflect, I have a confession to make.

Here it is! After all that I've been through, the countless hours of trial, experiences, failures and tests, I've been more blessed today all because of YOU! I now have a strength of resolve through those tests and trials for they truly help you to discover who you really are. Today, I withhold the tears to say that I am thankful for all of you who have valued my transparency as I passionately pursued the will of God for my life. And in turn tried to pour back into each of you with God's insight and revelation on here as well as the social networks we share (FaceBook, MySpace, & LinkedIn). God has placed a special anointing on my life that I just can't shake even if I wanted to. And I'm truly grateful that He has chosen me to be an inspiration to you.

So as I go on another year in God's glory, I ask that you continue to pray for me as I go to reach the masses all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ---my heavenly Father who loves me JUST that MUCH! May the God of all mercy continue to bless you with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places and create a heaven on EARTH experience for YOU! I love you much!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

In need of a Scholarship? Check this out!

Going to Seminary is expensive. On top of that, finding a scholarship can be really difficult. That's why I was so excited to find this Seminary Scholarship website today. Not only are they giving away a $1,000.00 scholarship and a digital theological library, all I had to do to apply was watch a short video and answer a few questions! It took less than 15 minutes. What is best of all is that if you're in seminary and apply for the Seminary Scholarship, and put my name as the person who referred you, if you win the scholarship, so do I! We could both get a $1,000.00 scholarship and digital theological library. So, do us both a favor and go apply for the Seminary Scholarship today.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reinvent Yourself

Reinvent Yourself

Ladies this is for you! Don't miss the opportunity to grow into the Lady of Purpose God created you to be! Click on the link and sign up today!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New eBook Available NOW!

I am extremely excited to be offering my new eBook, All is Not Lost, a short story that is a precursor to my new, upcoming novel of the same name! I am so thrilled because not only is it available on Kindle, Nook, Smashwords, and PDF formats, it has also went up quickly in rank on Amazon!! Praise God!

Here's a synopsis: Sandra Blakely had it all: a successful, five year marriage to a wonderful husband, a good paying job, and a new home to entertain their many friends. It wasn't until she found out the secrets of her husband's past, his seemingly frequent whereabouts and the news of her dying grandmother that Sandra's life started to take a turn for the worse. With the only thing she had left, Sandra went on a quest to find her way, knowing that through her faith in God, all was truly not lost.

To order your copy at a special introductory price, go to Amazon and order TODAY!

For His Glory,

Monday, February 7, 2011

Upcoming Events in February

Exciting Events are happening in the month of February! So much so, I wanted to share them with you!

Book Signing/Literary Cafe--Saturday, February 12 from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM @ Fairfield Baptist Church, 6133 Redan Road Lithonia, GA. There I will be signing copies of my books, The Life of a Lily, Have a Little Faith anthology with my story, "The Breakthrough" and my first children's book, An Act of Forgiveness.

Then on February 26, 2011, I will be the Presider/Exhorter at the 1st Anniversary Celebration of "Bent No More Network" in Douglasville, GA, under the leadership of President/Founder/Host, Pastor Karen Dones! Service starts at 10:30AM with a breakfast preceding at 9:30AM. Come on out!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Daughter of Destiny" pre-orders are on NOW!

In the second installment to The Last Shall Be First series, the main character, Caleb, takes a back seat as Noah's Christian Academy gains a new member to the student body. Jonetta Jenkins is a bright, but seemingly delinquent child who has had a few hang-ups in life. Raised by her single father, Jonetta has to come to terms with living a life without her mother. Until one day Caleb befriends Jonetta and embarks on finding out the real reason why her mother is not around, in the hopes of reconnecting the two together, if only for one moment in time.

In this book, Mrs. Ratliff-Jenkins uses her classroom experience to show the impact of teachers and classmates in healing the heart by walking in the fruit of the spirit. “Daughter of Destiny” helps children move past their beginnings. We do not choose how our life begins but we can choose to allow the fruit of the spirit to develop our character and move us into our destiny.

--Caterri S. Leaks
Willing Heart Creations
Founder & Author

To pre-order yours, go to The Last Shall Be First children's series website and order yours today!


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