Watch Your Life Bloom

Welcome to the Official Blog of Author Dr. Lily L. Ratliff Jenkins, of the inspirational Memoir, The Life of a Lily: Growing in His Strength, Blooming in His Love, and many other writings.

Thanks for coming by to sit awhile and reflecting along with me on everything biblical. On this blog, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings about the various topics I present. They all do come from the heart and are meant for us to ponder, be enlightened, laugh, cry, and ultimately give God all of the praise.

You will hopefully find resources on everything from writing tips to creating your own memoir, how to journal, becoming better Christians and how to walk in your callings, destinies, and witty inventions that we have deep inside of us but sometimes don't quite know how to tap into and walk in. But GOD! It is in his wisdom along with an open mind that we will get through this together. Amen! So I welcome you my brothers and sisters!

Friday, February 15, 2013


by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown

"May the Lord bring you into a deep understanding of the steadfastness of Christ" -2 Thessalonians 3:5.

Most of the flight from Atlanta to Ft. Lauderdale was delightful. We sailed high, in clear skies, with nary a bump to bother us. As the pilot announced our initial descent, things began to change. The could cover in the area was thick, and we would have to go through it to land. As I peered out the window into murky grey emptiness, I felt frightened. There was nothing I could do except put my trust in the pilot and those in the control tower at Ft. Lauderdale. We bumped, were jarred and seemed to be on a roller coaster ride before we finally broke through the clouds. How relieved I was, being able to see once again, and having the smooth ride resume. Breaking through those clouds was exhilarating for me! I sighed a breath of relief. 

Life hands us cloud-banks of dark and dismal times, also. We may have some warning, as the pilot warned the passengers on the plane, or we may just hit the cloud-banks of life with a bang. Either way, the ride through them is usually bumpy and uncomfortable, to say the least. But the old saying that there is light at the end of the tunnel is so true. There is light after we ride through the cloud-banks of life. The question is, how do we weather the storm? Who do we put our trust in, as we face difficult times? Do we turn to a friend or write to Dear Abby for help? I hope we turn our eyes toward heaven, and ask God, who created this universe, for guidance and help during the cloudy times we endure. Then, when we make the transition out of darkness into His wonderful light, we can be reminded that He was with us all the while. That is very reassuring to me, and I hope it is to you, also.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Walk in Your Purpose! -Call for Submissions!

Now is the time! Are you a woman who has an extraordinary story of triumph after years of turmoil and defeat? Did life ever knock you down while trying to start a business, ministry or while caring for your household and children? And even though all of this happened, God came through and allowed you to break out and break through to your success! If that's you, then we want to hear from you!

Who should participate?
1. First-time authors who want massive exposure for their stories. Why not decide to be a published author where you can finally share the story that has been burning inside of you? You will now be the voice for so many others like you who need just that right story to set them free to walk in their purpose! This is the perfect avenue to do just that.
2. Veteran authors who see this as the perfect collaborative effort. Maybe you have not been in an anthology before and want to have another genre to write from. Or maybe you have contributed to an anthology before but feel this one will give you increased exposure.
3. Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders, all Ministers of the Gospel, Stay-at-Home Mothers, Working Mothers, Single Mothers, ALL Women!

We are currently looking for 30 women who have true stories just like this, and told in the 1st person narrative. Twenty-four (24) women, will be known as Contributing Authors, and will write stories of no more than 2,000 words. Six (6) women, will be known as Co-Authors, and will write stories of no more than 3,500 words. Each category of author will be on a First Come/First Serve Basis. These stories can fall into one of three categories: Business, Ministry & Life. 

For more information, and for your opportunity to participate, click here ----> Walk in Your!


Live a Life of Balance

Philippians 4:5 "Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand." 

When was the last time you decided to do things according to what is most important to God, instead of what's always important for others? Have you stopped to ever ask yourself, "Is this something that is pleasing to God, or only pleasing to man?" Yes the promotion may help your stature and raise your salary. But who is it really benefiting? Do you find with that promotion a whole lot more responsibility that takes you away from what matters most: your time with God? your family and children? your own fulfillment in life?

God makes it very clear where our priorities should lie...

Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

God should be first place over anything we do. Without Him, our life would be imbalanced. He is the nucleus that holds all things together. When we realize that and decide to not just include Him, but make Him the very One all of our decisions are based upon, then we will see the advantages we receive from a God who holds all of the favor and blessings in His hands. You turn a job that you felt you had to have in order to get what the world had to offer into a ministry. You will influence more whether you have a title or not, and you will have more fulfillment in that job whether you received a raise or not. God becomes your source! And He is the best one to provide everything you need.

Your life will grow more in balance in:

1. Spiritual (Your relationship with God and clarity of vision in ministry)
2. Family (More closeness with your spouse and children)
3. Work (Not just a job, but a fulfilling career)
4. Health (Exercise and purposeful choices in your eating habits)
5. Relationships (More meaningful relationships with friends)
6. Self (Well-being more complete, signaling peace and tranquility)

God desires you to be prosperous and in health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2, emphasis mine). You can do that with a life of balance.

Copyright 2013. Dr. Lily Jenkins. All Rights Reserved.  You may share or print any and all posts as long as you quote or cite Dr. Lily Jenkins' name on, within, or by the posts.


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