Watch Your Life Bloom

Welcome to the Official Blog of Author Dr. Lily L. Ratliff Jenkins, of the inspirational Memoir, The Life of a Lily: Growing in His Strength, Blooming in His Love, and many other writings.

Thanks for coming by to sit awhile and reflecting along with me on everything biblical. On this blog, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings about the various topics I present. They all do come from the heart and are meant for us to ponder, be enlightened, laugh, cry, and ultimately give God all of the praise.

You will hopefully find resources on everything from writing tips to creating your own memoir, how to journal, becoming better Christians and how to walk in your callings, destinies, and witty inventions that we have deep inside of us but sometimes don't quite know how to tap into and walk in. But GOD! It is in his wisdom along with an open mind that we will get through this together. Amen! So I welcome you my brothers and sisters!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I am a Prayer Away

Do not be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7) (NIV)

I know how hard it can truly be to want something so badly. I even know how difficult it can be to have to wait on it. There’s been countless of times in my life, when I had a great plan to do something in business, and put a date to my plan, all to see the date come and go and still not fulfill the plan that I had.

God loves to see that we have desires to succeed. As a matter of fact, He placed it there. When He created man, He blessed him and said to subdue and have dominion in the earth (Genesis 1:28). So He already placed in our DNA the drive to use all of the vast resources that the earth has to give glory to God and to serve Him and man. Many decide to use them in other ways that lead to deceit and greed. Theirs is their just reward. Others who use it to please their heavenly Father, prospers in all that they do. He uses the creative devices He’s given us to create wealth.

However, when a downturn in your business occurs or when you’re seeking God for a major breakthrough in your life, He wants us to not only put the situation in His hands, but also to leave it there. Now that’s not to say He doesn’t want you to continue to ask, and be persistent in your prayers. In the amplified version of verse 6 above, it says that “in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God (italics mine). So even when plans fail or are delayed, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s denial. He wants you to keep asking, all the while thanking Him in advance for the promise.

Many times during our prayers, we get impatient with God. We say prayers that are half-hearted or in a rush without waiting around to see what He has to say about it. As we know, God answers prayer in three different ways: Yes, No, or Wait. But we would never fully know that unless we stop to listen for His voice. God is not the author of confusion, and if you ever feel that you are going back and forth on a major decision in life, you may need to think twice before moving on it. Go back to God, make your requests known, continually ask for what you need, and allow God to answer.

What He wants each of us to understand during times of trial and tests is that He is just a prayer away. We are not in this life alone. We have a Father who loves us and wants nothing but the best for us. He has said in His word that no good thing will He withhold from us (Psalms 84:11b). We’ve got to hang on to that and trust that with the peace of God, we can handle any of life’s circumstances.

Selah—(Think on These Things)

~Can you honestly say you have full trust in God for all areas of your life? If not, what is causing the doubt?
~Have you asked God for help in your time of need, only to find yourself picking the situation back up again? Reflecting, how could you handle it next time when praying to your heavenly Father?


Lord, in my time of need, I have forgotten about the risen Savior who died for me, so that I might have life, and have it more abundantly. I also forgot that because of what He did for me, I can now come boldly before your throne of grace to obtain help in my time of need. Forgive me God. Help me to cast all of my care on you, for you care for me. Give me peace amidst my storm and allow me to see over the clouds of pain and despair. As a little child, I call upon you! And with you, I have all of the help I need. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved (From the Upcoming Book, "There's Hope for the Weary: God's Promises for Life's Greatest Storms''-By Lily L. Ratliff-Jenkins).


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