Watch Your Life Bloom

Welcome to the Official Blog of Author Dr. Lily L. Ratliff Jenkins, of the inspirational Memoir, The Life of a Lily: Growing in His Strength, Blooming in His Love, and many other writings.

Thanks for coming by to sit awhile and reflecting along with me on everything biblical. On this blog, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings about the various topics I present. They all do come from the heart and are meant for us to ponder, be enlightened, laugh, cry, and ultimately give God all of the praise.

You will hopefully find resources on everything from writing tips to creating your own memoir, how to journal, becoming better Christians and how to walk in your callings, destinies, and witty inventions that we have deep inside of us but sometimes don't quite know how to tap into and walk in. But GOD! It is in his wisdom along with an open mind that we will get through this together. Amen! So I welcome you my brothers and sisters!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gardening God's Way

Gardening God's Way by Unknown Author

Plant three rows of peas:

Peace of mind
Peace of heart
Peace of soul 

Plant four rows of squash:

Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness 

Plant four rows of lettuce:

Lettuce be faithful
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce be obedient
Lettuce really love one another 

No garden without turnips:

Turnip for meetings
Turnip for service
Turnip to help one another 

Water freely with patience and cultivate love
There is much fruit for your garden
Because you reap what you sow.

To conclude our garden

We must have thyme:

Thyme for God
Thyme for study
Thyme for prayer
Thyme for each other
Thyme for friends 

"May your garden be filled with peace and abundance!" 

Friday, January 25, 2013

New Book Coming Soon: 'What's In Your Hands?'

Why look for things outside of you to make your life complete? Many people truly do not understand what they already possess in their hands. What is unique to you is already within your grasp! To start a business, write a book, raise that newborn baby, or close the deal of a lifetime, you have it: ALL IN YOUR HANDS! Written by Dr. Lily Jenkins and published by Asta Publications, this is a book that takes away the negative notions that you do not have enough to be a blessing or an influence to someone else's situation. God fearfully and wonderfully made you with enough gifts, talents and abilities to create the life you've always wanted!

Be on the lookout for the release date of this extraordinary new book by Dr. Lily Jenkins!

Exciting Announcement: Lady of Purpose Online Portal for Women!

The Purpose Development Institute and Lily Jenkins Ministries Introduces to you: a NEW online resource for WOMEN!

Have the opportunity to join an exciting network for women to interact, learn and possess tools and strategies in becoming the Lady of Purpose God has designed you to be! Right now, you can subscribe to Lady of Purpose and tap into the 5 things every Lady of Purpose should have. Wouldn't you like to know? Subscribe now at!

Friday, January 11, 2013

You Just Have to Do It!

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."— Robert F. Kennedy

 Every day people take risks that could ultimately provoke danger, mishap, or loss, all for the chance to win at this game called 'life'. Some do indeed have victory, while others are defeated, only to get back up and try again.

How many of you can say, you've taken risks? Have a dared to start a new business venture, write a book, or close a potentially big deal that made you lots of money? Or is what you dream about only that...a dream?

No one has the opportunity to succeed unless they were willing to fail first. And to be honest, they may have failed many times. But the key is to NOT QUIT!

Try these strategies when you decide to take the next leap of faith: 5 Ways to be Better at Risk Taking

And let me add my own advice to you:
1. Always know that if God sent you to it, He will bring you through it.

2. God always makes provision for the vision He has given you.

3. There is nothing new under the sun. Remember what you have thought about others may have already tried, failed, and quit! The difference is: Don't you quit!

4. Each risk will bring you further and further to the promise. Keep etching away!

5. One day you will look back at how far you've come and you'll say, 'I Made It!'

Copyright 2013. Dr. Lily Jenkins. All Rights Reserved.  You may share or print any and all posts as long as you quote or cite Dr. Lily Jenkins' name on, within, or by the posts.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Time to Register! WWLG2013

Now is the time to register for the hottest summer retreat this side of Atlanta! It's the 2nd Annual Women Who Love God & Each Other, brought to you by Lily Jenkins Ministries! Exciting and powerful speakers, dynamic worship, Victory and Praise Party, a Saturday Prayer Breakfast, great vendors and so much more! Registration is only $25! $75 a night for a room at the Hyatt Place-Perimeter Center, near shopping, dining, and a grand time! While here, you can also purchase City Passes so that you can take in the sites once the retreat has ended Saturday morning! Come on, grab your girlfriends and head to Atlanta, this summer, July 18th-20th, 2013! For more information on Itinerary, Speakers, Hotel, and Vendor Opportunities, go to or

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!! 2013

Well! We have made it to another year... Isn't that a nice feeling?

Many of us have goals, dreams, visions and desires that we have brewing just waiting to see it come to pass. I won't talk about New Year's Resolutions, because personally I don't believe in them, but I will say this. With each passing day, it will be absolutely important that we invest in time of reflection. We can say we are going to do this or that all day, but without a sure fire plan in place, it won't happen. We must write the vision and make it plain. We must also run with the vision. Put feet to our faith, and go into uncharted territory, in other words, go where we have not gone before. You can't take the same steps, and go in the same direction thinking that it will happen the way you intend it to. Sometimes we just have to do it differently. And when we do, obstacles may come, but push those out of the way, and steadily move forward. You will have what you say this year, just make sure what you say lines up with the Word of God.

Three things I think all of us should be focused on doing MORE of this year:

1. Pray
2. Fast
3. Study the Word

Sounds redundant right? Many of you were like, 'She didn't say anything profound.' But how many of you did that is 2012? Not just on occasion, but were consistently doing it? It takes discipline, doesn't it? But the more you do it, the easier it becomes. It will not feel like a duty, but a lifestyle. One that you can't live without. And can't.

I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year! One of significance, and great joy!

 “Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Copyright 2013. Dr. Lily Jenkins. All Rights Reserved.  You may share or print any and all posts as long as you quote or cite Dr. Lily Jenkins' name on, within, or by the posts.


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